
The Challenge of Clinical Pediatrics and Research in Nurturing the Next Generation
Hirofumi Shibata

Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Kyoto University Hospital

The Challenge of Clinical Pediatrics and Research in Nurturing the Next Generation

What you keep in mind in your work and research

I have been interested in pediatric diseases, particularly primary immunodeficiency diseases, through my experiences as a student and resident at Kyoto University, and have been working on the development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods for these diseases. What I always try to keep in my mind is the “bedside to bench, bench to bedside” attitude, and I highly value collaborative discussions with my colleagues.

What do you find interesting about your work and research

In the Department of Pediatrics, there are doctors who specialize in various fields, which allows me to consider diseases from a variety of perspectives. Additionally, observing the children who were once ill grow up healthy and happy motivates me to think that my research experiments might someday contribute to the well-being of them or their children.

Please describe in one word what you think is unique about Kyoto University.

Dynamism created by respect for freedom and diversity
