Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacoepidemiology, School of Public Health
Kyoto University SPH Opened the Door to Clinical Research
What you keep in mind in your work and research
Every doctor faces many clinical questions in their daily practice but it could be difficult to solve each question during their practice because diseases and conditions do not wait for us. However, once you have a dedicated research environment and time set aside specifically for research, apart from your busy daily practice, you can pause and reconsider these clinical questions fundamentally. By taking the time to think about it profoundly, you may be able to clearly separate the known from the unknown and find the next step in an issue that no one else in the world has yet touched. Presenting the findings, that you could reach through the research time in the form of a paper and discussing the issue with global researchers would be a wonderful time and experience. It is a difficult process, but I think this is the most interesting and joyful part of conducting research.